Loslaten en vertrouwen

Letting go and trusting.

In a world of challenges, many of us feel the heavy burdens of life. But there is
hope—God offers us a gentle place to rest.

Burdens that weigh us down.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Life can sometimes feel like a tough journey, a journey where we carry a heavy yoke.
Everyone knows those moments when the world around us seems overwhelming.
Addictions, financial worries, negative thoughts, complex relationships, depression,
traumas—they are all burdens that can keep us from a deeper connection with God. They
can make us feel far from Him, just when we need His closeness and security the most.

Discovering God’s guidance.

This blog was started from a desire to share how God helps me let go of burdens. It is a
journey full of challenges and moments of stumbling and rising. But it is also a journey where
I constantly rediscover God’s grace and greatness. Every step I take, however small, makes
me aware of His presence in my life.
Sometimes the way feels heavy and confusing. There are moments when I can’t see the
direction clearly, and I wonder if I’m even making progress. But in those moments, God
reveals Himself in the most extraordinary ways. He speaks to me through His Word, the people around me, and the little glimmers of hope on my path. It’s not always
clear, but the growing trust that He is guiding me gives me the strength to continue.
                                                                                                                                                            God’s grace in my struggles
                                                                                                                                                             I want to share with you how God has worked impressively in my life. Over a year ago, God
spoke to me about getting my life back on track. In the years before, I had developed various
addictions, and I had picked up some old ones I had previously overcome. My view of God had been strongly distorted by worldly influences. I was more in the world than in God’s
kingdom. Since then, it has been a journey of stumbling and rising to step out of that world. I
can testify to how powerful it is to lay my burdens at God’s feet.
I couldn’t have walked this path without help. It is never God’s intention for us to fight our
battles alone. The church Agape has played an important role in this. The teaching from
God’s Word, many conversations, patience, steadfast faith, and the conviction of healing and
restoration in my life have helped me time and again to keep going when needed.
One of the biggest struggles was the belief that I couldn’t be a child of God; this often made
me feel overwhelmed and lost. I thought I was too sinful and that the cross wasn’t meant for
me. Through conversations, prayer, reading the Bible, and the support of others, I have
gradually been able to let this go.
Even in the hardest moments, God gave me the strength to continue, leading me step by
step. Although the process is still not perfect, that lie has lost its power. God’s grace and
patience are immense; with Him, we can walk a path of freedom and victory.
                                                                                                                                                            Step by step closer to God
                                                                                                                                                              Every step I take, however small, brings me closer to Him. And sometimes, when I least
expect it, I experience a leap forward, a moment of deep progress where I feel how far I have
already come. This journey is one with obstacles and uncertainties, but also one where I
continually learn that God’s light is always present, even in the darkest moments.
It is a path of trust, where step by step, and sometimes with a great leap, I can let go of my
burdens and draw closer to Him.

His yoke is light.
                                                                                                                                                           In Matthew 11:28-30 we read: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will
give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in
heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
We can always come to Him, even when we are battle-weary, uncertain, or standing before
Him with empty, dirty hands. Nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39). Even
when our feelings and thoughts sometimes tell us otherwise, God wants to give us the rest
we need.

Can we carry His yoke?

God asks us to take His yoke upon ourselves. We, too, have a burden to carry if we want to
walk the Christian path that God asks of us. But isn’t that the yoke of truth? Isn’t that the yoke
of dying to ourselves because God has our best interest at heart and knows what is good for
If we take His yoke and engage in this struggle, we will experience that He is gentle and
humble in heart and that we will find rest in the Most High.

Growing together in Christ

I want to encourage you to embark on this process because it is worth it. We don’t
experience it instantly; we need cleansing and healing from old patterns in our lives.
However, God does not ask us for perfection, but that we grow and not stand still. Can we
trust that His yoke is easy and His burden light?

Will you join me in this challenge to walk this path? To become more and more like Christ? I
invite you to share your own story in the comments below. With what are you struggling with?
How have you experienced God’s presence in your life? Let us encourage one another and
walk this path together.
                                                                                                                                                      Gratitude for God’s guidance
                                                                                                                                                   Finally, I want to express my gratitude for everything God is doing in my life. I praise Him for
His endless patience, His loving guidance, and the strength He gives me to let go of my
burdens. Every day, I experience anew that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

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