Is your battle His battle?

 Is your battle His battle?

During my quiet time, I read 1 Samuel 4. In this chapter, it appears that the Israelites did not seek God’s counsel about the battle they wanted to fight. Neither did they ask how they should engage in this battle. They relied on their own strength, with disastrous consequences: 4,000 Israelites died that day. It was a great defeat.

Fighting without consulting God.

This raises the question: What battles are we fighting without knowing if they are the ones God wants for us? Have we asked God how we should fight this battle? Or are we fighting fronts not yet given to us?

After their defeat, the Israelites returned to their camp and wondered why God had brought this defeat upon them. Even though they did not consult God, they blamed Him for their loss. Once again, they did not seek God’s counsel but brought the Ark of the covenant to the battlefield, assuming they would win with its presence. They thought, “With God’s presence, we must win, right?”

Using God for our battle.

The Israelites tried to “use” God to fight an important battle with their strength without hearing from Him. They hoped for victory over burdens they experienced emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. 

In Ephesians 6:12, Paul warns us: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (NLT) Are we aware that every battle we engage in is not of an earthly nature? Are there forces at work that are trying to lead us away from God?

Are we fighting the right battle? 

A few months ago, I found myself in the middle of various struggles. Although I believe that these struggles will be overcome one day, God showed me that He first wants to work on other things before I will experience victory in the area I long for.

While I was working in the garden, I noticed a large plant that I had once thought was something good. Now, however, I realized it was a weed. At that moment, God revealed to me that there was something in my life that I saw as good, but in reality, it was not.

A few weeks later, I received a vision of small windows, framed in white. God showed me that my perspective on certain beliefs would change. In the meantime, I was fighting on multiple fronts, but God made it clear that He was working in other areas.

When we went to Uganda with Kononia Kids, I saw those same windows appear everywhere at the projects we visited. As I continued to pray and ask God which perspectives He wanted to change, it slowly became clear to me.

Each morning, we received Bible studies from the book of Hebrews. I had always believed it was important to follow the principles of the Old Testament law. We had been doing so for about 15 years, even though we didn’t practice it perfectly. We didn’t believe the law brought salvation, but we saw it as essential to our relationship with God, just as prayer is important.

The Bible studies, led by Ps. Eugenia, confronted me with my false beliefs. Sometimes I became angry and confused during the studies. I spent many nights re-reading Paul’s letters and various passages from the Gospels. I couldn’t understand how I had interpreted things so differently over the past 15 years.

Although it may seem simple to let go of a belief, it is not easy when you have held onto it for 15 years. I felt anger, confusion, and disbelief. I was afraid of falling into lies and feared losing people who shared the same beliefs. Yet, I knew that this was what God was asking me to let go of before I could move forward in my life. It was time to release these beliefs.

What battle are you in?

Often, we find ourselves in the midst of challenges and struggles without stopping to ask if this is the battle God wants us to fight. We can become consumed by personal conflicts or goals without pausing to ask: Are we fighting the battle God asks of us? Have we sought His guidance, or are we relying on our own strength and understanding?

Perhaps God is calling us to pause and reflect, to ask if we are indeed on the right path. You might be fighting for something you thought was good, while God is showing you that He already has a different plan. Fighting a battle that doesn’t come from Him can take a lot of energy, and sometimes we don’t even realize we’re fighting against something God already holds in His hands.

Do you have beliefs, big or small, in which God might want to bring a new perspective?

Sometimes, God asks us to re-examine beliefs we have held dear for many years. Maybe He wants to give you deeper insight, to show you something new that will take your faith further. This can be frightening, especially if it means letting go of ideas that have been familiar for so long.

Are you willing to ask God, “Lord, is this the battle You want me to fight?” Perhaps He wants to show you a new path, one where you don’t have to fight in your own strength, but can walk in His power and guidance. Are you open to that new perspective and the change that comes with it?


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